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Author Topic: No access from home anymore  (Read 28064 times)
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« on: August 11, 2005, 08:49:46 AM »

WOW differant look here.Any ideas why I can log into the main page from home but when I click on The AM Forum button to come here it just freezes up and if I hit the STOP button the page goes all black.Hitting the BACK button takes me back to the homepage.Everything works fine here at work and nothing has changed at home.Security settings etc are all untouched.Same OS here and home,W2K Pro with IE6.I would REALLY like to access this site from home.  Thanks.

    Garth   VE1IDX

P.S. Hope to have the DX-60B on the air this weekend.No amp yet but............ Wink

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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 09:21:35 AM »

Try to clear your cache and cookies.  Log back in with your user name and password. Use the "forever" option and that will remember your log in information on future visits.  Please let us know if this works.

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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 10:25:36 AM »

That is what I was thinking about after I posted the problem.I really hate dumping the cache and cookies,it means having to enter all those passwords again for all those sites but I will give it a shot tonight and post the results if I can access it. Thanks.

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« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 08:44:32 AM »

Posting from work again.No go from home.I cleared my cache,history,cookies and temp internet files and still no go.At work even when I am not logged in I can still connect to the AM forum and read posts but at home I cannot even connect to the forum from the homepage whether I am logged in or not.Tonight I will look into my firewall settings (like I know what to look for) and check things out.The odd thing is that I have changed NOTHING at home not even a windoze update since the old site was up. Angry

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Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2005, 01:18:46 PM »

Posting from work again.No go from home.I cleared my cache,history,cookies and temp internet files and still no go.At work even when I am not logged in I can still connect to the AM forum and read posts but at home I cannot even connect to the forum from the homepage whether I am logged in or not.Tonight I will look into my firewall settings (like I know what to look for) and check things out.The odd thing is that I have changed NOTHING at home not even a windoze update since the old site was up. Angry

Most firewall software have the ability to disable it's functions on a temporary (5 min., 10 min., etc.) basis. Sometimes good to do when doing software updates. Try to disable it temporary and see if you can get in. If it works, then there should be a place where you can define an exemption to the forum URL when the firewall is running again.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"
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« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2005, 02:05:40 PM »

I have comtacted several people in regard to this and hope to have a solution shortly.


G - The INR

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« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2005, 02:39:03 PM »

I have comtacted several people in regard to this and hope to have a solution shortly.


That would be great! At least I don't feel quite as much like a leper any more knowing that is was not just me not being able to get in.I'll still check a few things out tonight when I get home and will keep checking over the weekend.Thanks guys!

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« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2005, 11:38:45 PM »

I am posting this from home but boy do things load sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.It takes literally 5-6 minutes for a page to load and then not all things appear.I have an ADSL connection and haven't had anything this slow since a realllllly bad day on dialup.Oh, I see as I am typing this that my browser (IE6) says only 79 more items (images)remaining to download.All the buttons and smilies are simply red X's.At this rate I could make a whole three posts per day. Roll Eyes

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« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2005, 08:22:52 AM »

Good Morig Garth. Lets start with the basics. Belao are the syetem requirements as listed by the developers of the forum .


"Client (User) Requirements
To use SMF to its fullest feature set, one of the following browsers which have received much in the way of testing are strongly recommended: (although any standards-compliant browser should be fine.)

    * Mozilla Firefox 0.8 or higher.
    * Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
    * Netscape 6.0 or higher.
    * Opera 7.0 or higher, 7.5 or higher recommended.
    * Mozilla Suite 1.0.2 or higher.
    * Apple Safari 1.0 or higher.
    * Konqueror or Galeon

The following browsers are still supported, but not recommended because of minor problems or lack of sufficient testing:

    * Mac IE 5.1.7 or higher.
    * Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.
    * Opera 6.0.

Netscape Navigator 4.0 is known not to work, just as Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.

For wireless access, any personal assistant which supports WAP/WML, WAP 2, or I-MODE should work. We currently do not have enough test data to compile a list of supported clients.

Additionally, JavaScript and cookies must be enabled for some features to work as intended, although efforts have been made to not require them.

G - The INR

Amateur Weather Station KNYSYRAC64
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« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2005, 10:36:56 AM »

Thanks Gary. I am using Windoze 2000 PRO with Internet Exploder 6.Cookies and Java are enabled as I need them for some other sites I visit.Really odd.I am at work again right now and it works great here.I got called in due to a power outage that ended up not affecting the studios anyway.Oh well better safe than sorry I guess.Thanks for the attention.I'll keep plugging away at home and see what I can find out.The puzzling thing is that nothing was changed on my home computer since the changeover.All my security and privacy settings are the same as here at work and the computers are virtually identical.I may even give Firefox a try.

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« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2005, 11:11:39 AM »

Okay Garth

Well I want to say this about Firefox and IE

As with all their products, Microsoft does not build the programs using industry standards but their own , This means if you buy one Microsoft product it will work the best with only other Microsoft products.

I switched to Firefox as my browser and Thunderbird for my email. Since I have done this (about 3 months ago) I have not had any popups, spyware, or viruse detected by Norton, Adaware and Spybot. Let me be clear  - -NONE Smiley>

The installs were quick and all my data transfered perfectly. Even though I own about 10, 000 shares of Microsoft I will not use Outlook express or IE for my use here again.

For instance I just added a set of buttons to the top of the page. In Firefox they worked perfectly. In order to get things to work in IE I had to add 6 lines of code to get around the MS Standard.

In the Developers world IE is taboo. It is not friendly and has too many MS extentions in it to work around.

I strongly recommend using Firefox. It is free, it is the 2nd most popular browser in the world and growing fast.

Give it a try, you'll like it. There are links at the bottom of the page for both.


G - The INR

Amateur Weather Station KNYSYRAC64
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« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2005, 04:52:49 PM »

I'm almost ready to give up.I installed Firefox and no differance.5-6 minutes for a page to load and then I can't see the buttons.I have to mouse over the page and look for the little pop-up windows for the buttons.(sigh)

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Radio Syracuse
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« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2005, 04:57:49 PM »

Hi Garth

What is your connection from home?

G - The INR

Amateur Weather Station KNYSYRAC64
Creator - owner - - 2001 - 2010
Founding Member - NEAR-Fest
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2005, 05:30:38 PM » u have anything running in the backround when your logged on?  Have u done a spy sweep of your puter lately. Just a couple of thoughts. I know enough about computers to get myself into BIG trouble!!!!
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2005, 05:49:23 PM »

I'm almost ready to give up.I installed Firefox and no differance.5-6 minutes for a page to load and then I can't see the buttons.I have to mouse over the page and look for the little pop-up windows for the buttons.(sigh)

Under windows, have you define your own colors for text and background? I always ran into a problem when I did that. I now always check "use system colors" for text and background. Use to screw up my buttons, titles, etc.

The speed loading is another issue.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 07:59:28 PM »

OK let's see.I have not changed the colors for background or text,everything is default.

I tried Firefox and no differance.I tried a rinky dink PC of the kids running W98SE and same thing.

Just did a spyware sweep this morning using latest Adaware 1.06.I do this often to keep things clean.My Norton is up to date and scanned last night.Nothing found.

My ISP is and I have an ADSL connection that is reasonably fast as I live at the very far end of availability of this service but it has never been a problem before.My OS is W2K Pro and I use IE6 (or Firefox).

I think I will bring my office computer home Monday night and see if it works from home.if it does I know it is something with my home PC and if not then I will take my home PC to work and try it.If the office one does not work at home and my home PC works in the office it MUST be something in my router.

On the up side I did fire up the pw Heath DX-60B a while ago and got great reports around the Maritimes region.Worked a couple fellow VE1's, a VE9 and a VY2.Love the green color and the smell of a scream modulated 6146 baking underneath the cabinet. Grin


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« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2005, 07:42:46 PM »

WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! I can access the forum from home!!! Something has changed to allow this.I did nothing on my end except beat my head on the keyboard in frustration.To whom ever was responsible I say THANK YOU! Now I need to see how to work all these really neat features.

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