Last September we moved into a smaller home with the accompanying smaller yard. I originally had an end fed long wire 81 Ft. Sloping from a high end of about 30 Ft. down to 9 Ft. The low end was oriented at 10° from magnetic North and worked quite well from BCB to HF. That location was quite quiet.
The "L" shaped yard in the new location provided a challenge for the 81 Ft. Long Wire. So, after reviewing countless reviews I decided on this: mounted about 14 Ft. from the bottom of the loop to ground and installed a rotor. Typically, the signals on a known fixed station were slightly louder on the wire vs. the loop, but the loop is much quieter. Plus, the ability to null out various frequencies is wonderful. The quality of the loop and the controller is fabulous.
My station after much downsizing is a completely rebuilt Hammarlund HQ-180C and an Icom 756 Pro III that has had the attenuation mod on the BCB.
I am extremely pleased with this antenna and have no connection financial or otherwise with Noble Radio.