The Heavy Metal rally is real successful tonight with big activity all across the US on 75M.
Hoping to work more west coast on 3880 later tonight. Worked WA and CA at about 9PM local EST. The band is REAL long tonight very early. Locals are PW.
Some nice West coast stuff worked from Central PA around 0130 EST Sunday on 75M -- Clay W7CE was booming in here from Seattle; Mike K06NN, NI6Q, and John WA6JUS were not strong (about S3), but no trouble copying them.
I heard well Mike KO6NM, his voice was exceptionally clean, other guys sounded weak, because my receiver was not tuned yet, and I did not have antenna. Today I put a wire on the highest tree near my house, and baddly want to check how it works now.
Just now I heard here in San Francisco Bay Area on 75M very loud and clean couple of guys from South, 500 miles from me. Brian NI6Q and David W6PSS. There were two more guys, Mike and Garry, one of them spoke about a lot of snow, but I don't remember their callsigns. They sounded clean and loud as well, despite their signals faded.
Also, nearly on the same frequency a bit higher was another AM team, but they stopped to talk both simultaneously.