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Author Topic: Wanted replies  (Read 17694 times)
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« on: April 27, 2012, 11:03:00 AM »

It would be nice if the Wanted category allowed replies.   Often someone is looking for information as well as an actual part or piece of equipment.  It would be great to answer an information request right there in the thread.

Why not PM?   Because often, the information can be used by others and is there permanently so a question or request may not have to be asked again.  To make it public now, another thread would have to be started somewhere else.


"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 11:11:51 AM »

The AM Classifieds, (WANTED is part of this) were setup not to be discussion forums. If you want to discuss a "want" in general terms, you can start it in QSO. A specific member want doesn't need to trigger a discussion.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"
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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 11:54:42 AM »

One can simply start a new thread in QSO, or sometimes in Technical as appropriate, titled "Re: (the title of the original thread in sale/trade) and start your discussion from there. You may have a question about the item or product that might be of general interest, or you could be aware of something you think everyone should be warned about (not necessarily a scam, but a significant defect in design that the seller may not be aware of, for example).

Don, K4KYV                                       AMI#5
Licensed since 1959 and not happy to be back on AM...    Never got off AM in the first place.

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Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 12:29:47 PM »

One can simply start a new thread in QSO, or sometimes in Technical as appropriate, titled "Re: (the title of the original thread in sale/trade) and start your discussion from there.

Actually, that wasn't an intended result of making the Classifieds 'author post-only' and is not the way to do it.

Originally the Classifieds allowed replies. IIRC, Gary changed this to put an end to a handful of folks going in to question price, character, etc. of the poster. Anything you need to discuss with a person selling or looking for an item should be done privately - no differently than you would if responding to any other online ad. If you have useful information, simply post it in the appropriate forum. If that info includes 'I have some of those for sale', post it in the Classifieds. Simple.

As Pete says, the policy doesn't prevent starting a thread in the Tech or QSO section to discuss any appropriate topic (ideas for which sometimes come from items for sale or wanted). Just do so in a general way, don't copy and move the topic or posting from the Classifieds section. Moving a subject or posting to another forum to get around the rule defeats the purpose.

For example, someone posts a For Sale ad for XYZ. You're curious since you've heard there are different versions of XYZ. Simply start a new thread in in the appropriate forum along the lines of 'XYZ - How Many Versions?' or 'XYZ - Which Version is Best?'. You could even start the thread by saying something like 'Recently someone was selling XYZ, and it got me to wondering...'.

If you suspect any issues with a posted ad, notify the moderators.

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life
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« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 01:42:22 PM »

okay look--firstly, an official response here should come after a general moderator consensus is reached.

I think the "solution" is an over reaction to "put an end to a handful of folks going in to question price, character, etc. of the poster." which happened a while ago evidently; IOW a handful of folks drove a blanket fix everyone has to live with now.  They should have been dealt with individually but screw it, this isn't my board.   BTW I'm only asking for replies in Wanted; not For Sale or eBay.  Also, I don't want to "discuss a want;"  I just want to provide information.  Big difference.

I put a reply to a want for a 300G schematic in the QSO section but I think it is silly to have it there. goes on

addendum--I've been informed of the aforementioned problem and it was worse than I thought.  I understand the rationale for the status quo much better now thanks.

"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2012, 04:58:44 PM »

It's actually not been a problem for a few years now since the changes were made, so they did the trick. Pete and I were saying the same thing, I was just wordier.  Grin

Anytime anyone has information that would benefit the group, by all means post it. We even have a section for printed material where actual schematics, diagrams, manuals, or sources can be posted. Posting there or in one of the specific Handbook sections prevents it from scrolling off into oblivion after a couple weeks of activity.

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life
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