I spent the last ten days at my camp near Westport, NY. 40 meters AM was very active from 7.285 to 95. I made about 15 contacts and most of them were new AM'ers to me. Most were running low powered vintage equipment that they already had while others went out and purchased vintage gear. There were a few first timers on there too using rice boxes and were happy to try AM for the first time.
It seems to me that in the last few years that 40 meter AM activity has been sparse but surprisingly, it's alive and well now. I had a modulator problem with a set of 100T's that were out of balance but that was an easy fix by replacing one tube. The tubes I'm using now are 70 years old. One guy said he was wanting to talk to a ham that had an excellent sounding BC-610 transmitter that he had heard about on 40 meters. I told him I was running a BC-610D but there could have been others. He said he has not heard 610's very often on 40 meters so maybe I was the station he was talking about? How's that for a pat on my own back

BTW, my camp computer broke down after the first day there and I spent the remainder of my time there without a computer! I didn't know what that would feel like until now. I didn't miss it all that much!