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Author Topic: heathkit HW-23/A/B/C PS info  (Read 5005 times)
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David, K3TUE
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« on: July 31, 2005, 04:33:40 AM »

I'm trying to find a good power supply to do some hollow-state home-brewing.  I believe that an old Heathkit HP-23 might do the trick.  I have 2 questions:

1) Am I wrong?
2) What are the differences between the HP-23, HP-23A, HP-23B, and HP-23C ?

David, K3TUE
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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 11:59:53 AM »

Most power supplies from low cost '60's and '70's sideband tranceivers are a great way to come up with Voltages needed for homebrew. It depends on what you are trying to brew. Not too many would be any good for a class B modulator due to dynamic regulation. There were some that have swinging chokes and really solid B++. The old Galaxy supplies were really good. They had enough gas to make things happen. One thing that makes the Heath supplies more expensive is that they are sought after by those using COLLINS S-line gear.
I use a few of these types of supplies here usually put a variac in the primary and get filament power elsewhere.
I dunno the exact differences between models but you could get the schematics online or visit an online Griefkit site. Some had a bias pot for the final stage and others relied on the bias pot to be in the tranceiver.
Vortex Joe - N3IBX

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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 06:06:34 PM »

        The Heathkit supplies are VERY good, and to my knowledge, the only difference between them is some have a switch for 250VDC -350VDC. It was used on the 250VDC postion when using the old monobanders as a base station.

Just to be on the safe side I'd replace the old electrolytics in them and you'll be good to go.

The reason they are so desireable these days is because a lot of the Collins guys are using them as an economical replacement for the 516F2 supply used on the S/Line and KWM series tranceivers. The Heathkit has solid state rectifiers where the Collins supply does not.

Joe Cro N3IBX

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