Hello AM lovers,Now, 09.05 hour wintertime by me, I hear AM on
3615 and 3885 khz.On my own receiver, this morning, in our livingroom...
I can hear with big signals AM from the UK on 3615 khz and fair signals from the Usa on 3885 khz.
Signals on 3885 khz going back/down.... earlier I could hear Tim and others better....
But I am wondering how good I can hear AM from the
UK on these webreceiver:
http://kb1vwc.ddns.net:8073/KiwiSDR: Software-defined receiver at KB1VWC
East Falmouth MA | Grid FN41RN, ASL 7m, [map], SNR 34:28 dB
Antenna: 155ft Inverted L 6 Elevated Radials
I do not know if you/AM-ers in the Usa may transmit on these freq (3615 khz)?
If yes, perhaps you can keep our eyes and ears to that freq?
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands