One of the set screws in a 4-400A heat sink was loose, so that explains why one tube was more eager to glow red
under low power levels - starving for plate current mose likely.
Some more pitfalls encountered when trying to tune on 40m - likely should not have with that loose anode, but before I discovered it , was too late. This NP 600V / 0.5u F cap leaked oil - a mod, was hooked from ground effectively in parallel with C116. Measures a bit high ESR, so tossed it.
Looks like its only in effect when the LINEAR mode is selected. Someone speculated its an anti-humm mod on the screen supply.
I dug into the wiring more and updated the schematic with my findings, and
cleaned it up a little: they have lifted the cathode of the final tubes from ground, and are
running the plate meter through
that, which explains the current reading at idle. Though almost 75mA through
the screen seems kinda alot.
I have included my ss diodes in place of the tube, they are 1N4007's and I
put small resistors in line
with them to hopefully act as fuses. I also replaced C104 which looked like
it was original with a 150uF
as per the schematic. This is 5x higher than the original but tests so far
seem to show its ok. Theres about -188V on that cap now which is the standby bias.
Im told the extra 30 or so volts ought not matter much from the manuals -150V
and the tube sheet says the max is -500v.
The (2) 1K resistors are now shown after tracing them out. Apparently making
a higher voltage drop than R116
was when in TUNE or LINEAR mode. I believe this is the AB2 to AB1 mod but
cant fully understand how
limiting the current to that 75V regulator tube does the trick.
Right now with no plate volts and the 4-400A tubes removed entirely my
screen volts is 367 (from terminal 1 on the mode sw) with no plate current
at all in TUNE mode.
In CW mode the 75V neon tube goes off, which I believe is normal and screen
volts jumps to 519. Move to LINEAR position and the screen is
519V. No grid or screen current at all , which I believe is expected as
there are no tubes. These voltage readings are a little over the ones
in the manual, so I guess they are acceptable.
When I leave things as they are and put one or more tubes, this is where
there are issues now that werent there before.
They seem not to change with the bias cable in or not, but for safety I left
it in so there is negative bias on the tubes.
So now with still no plate volts and one 4-400A tube _IN_ a socket the screen as
measured on terminal 1, is
67V in TUNE, and 204v in LINEAR or CW. In CW there is 100mA
of current on the plate meter, screen current is about 25mA with no grid
current. In LINEAR its 50mA of plate current with about the same screen
current. In TUNE there is perhaps about 2x what was normal plate current,
which is the "needles width" reference I was told is normal (by another thudbolt owner)
- I guestimated to be 10mA so its now maybe 20mA or so.
Maybe the plate current meter was sticking, but when I worked the amp with decent results,
never saw idle current on the plate. When I put in a decent RF signal, then keyed into TX,
then I got plate current.
UPDATE: I concluded 1 or more the NOS tubes I bought may have reached the end of their life. So have some more on the way.