Hey Ed - it was good to work you the other night. The RCA was pounding into VA with a strong, solid signal.
I do think you had a bit of feedback on your signal, wonder if anyone else mentioned it? I didn't because initially I thought it was someone screwing around on frequency to disrupt us. It was almost like a church organ sound, and it followed your carrier perfectly without overlap, which is why I think it might've been feedback.
Being the thing’s first round into an antenna instead of a dummy load, there were a bunch of RF issues to be sorted. The first round was RF into the control system, which I fixed Saturday morning. That stopped the random overload relay trips…it was bandswitching mid-transmission, with the expected plate current spike and some sparks….
The next was RF getting into the mic preamp, which I fixed Sunday morning, after our Saturday contact. I had a scope on the audio and RF envelope to get an idea of the modulation, and after another mentioned it I watched between the words and saw the waveform… Unfortunately by the time I was done, so was the band….
But thanks for the contact and the report. Next time it should sound better!