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Author Topic: GLOBE KIND 400B 75M COIL SET  (Read 1816 times)
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« on: January 08, 2022, 11:52:59 PM »

HEY GANG,   I've got a Globe King 400B that hasn't been used for ages. it's pretty dirty and I put about 70 volts A.C. on it last night from a Variac just to see if some of the tubes would light up. that's about as far as I got.   Didn't want to get too carried away and start burning up caps and what have you. ever so briefly I did see most of the tubes light up except for the driver 807 and the oscillator 7C5 I believe it is.   I think I have those and will follow up later but for now I'm happy.  Also got the mercury vapor rectifiers to light off very briefly without burning anything up and then I turned it off.  I want to do a lot more inspection and clean up before I get brave and do anything else. that said I'd like to start putting out a search for a 75 meter set of coils for this thing.
It has a 40 meter set of coins in it right now.   I'm not complaining about that. I'LL use it there if that is all I can get, but it would be nice to put in on the A.M. window on 75 phone.

If you know of anyone with a 75m band coil set for one of these things, would you please be so kind as to let me know.
Email to:

Many thanks and best 73
Carol W4CLM
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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2022, 09:53:30 PM »


If you'll stake out eBay the individual coils show up there from time to time. I put together a 15 meters set that way.

Mike, KE5YTV

KE5YTV  Dallas, TX
"The longest trip begins with a stop at the ATM."

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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2022, 10:15:39 PM »

Thanks Mike, good suggestion, I might just have to resort to that. Good idea.
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