While looking through the April 17, 1926 issue of Radio World for another reason, I spotted a one-page article on page 6 titled 'A 5-Tube Super Receiver'. The set has a mixer stage, local oscillator, 2 i.f. amplifiers, and two audio stages. The receiver incorporates 2 crystal detectors, the first is the mixer and the second is the AM detector. I had seen many years ago, many times, the mixer in a single-conversion superhet schematics referred to as the first detector. But this is the first I've seen a crystal diode detector actually incorporated as the 1st mixer!
https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Radio-World/20s/26/Radio-World-1926-Apr-17.pdfThe other reason I was first looking through the issue was due to a thread on frequency-hopping (who was first?) in the EEVblog forum for ham radio. On page 15 of the Radio World issue, in the upper right corner is a mention of frequency-hopping by a Polish inventor. Various patents go back to Tesla and others, not just Hedy Lamarr in 1941, and more patents later of course.