Hello everyone
MOP radio duz get on the air waves once in a while. Lot of adjustments to life right now. My wondeful XYL is very understanding to the radio world. I think inviting her to the shack, she'll see the connection using the radio to talk to other people who have the same interest. Your typical Philippine household might have a flourescent light and a TV and a telephone. Running water....maybe. The pictures of nice houses and BMW's we see are the handful of the wealthy living in Manila.
Radio Question: 20m AM seems like it's a lot of fun to talk to other folks beyond the 400 mile barrier of typical 160, 40M QSO's
After 7PM 20M goes to sleep. The "WINDOW" seems to be between 5P and 7P There have been QSO's where Ashtabula is in there somewhere and I'm talking to somebody in Nebraska. I don't want to go through a lot chatter about the propagation characteristics of 20M.
BUT I am wondering whether to build a 4-square using verticals (this month QST....very nice effective aerial using an expensive Collins built phaser / switcher) OR just be happy with my 70 foot high dipole and take my chances with propagation.
I still like to experiment and diddle and even make a Ham op rich by pruchasing his magic box. Is this sleepy time of 20M due to the low sunspots?

I thought it was a World Wide band 24 hours per day. OK I'm sounding stupid here but I'm just exploring other avenues to chit and chat with good 'ole AM..........How's 15 been?

I promise to start reading this BB more ...........thanks