John before using transformers and/or spending your money at Shady O'Rack (when you don't really need a cellphone anyway, right?), I'd recommend checking for boxes that have dual outputs and offer both balanced and unbalanced in/out.
I bought a ROLLS brand eq/compressor a few years ago that has XLR or 1/4" phone jack inputs, is switchable to accept mic or line level.
On the output, it has the same thing -- XLR or 1/4" for balanced or unbalanced, and a switch for mic or line level.
The output level has a slider next to the EQ sliders to find the best level of drive for the 32V2 I've been using it with.
Have used 421, RE50, RE-27, and a 635A as the mics, and it all works well.
My brother's got the same HR11C with an RE20 into a 32V3 and it also works well and sounds great, directly into the front panel Amphenol connector on the transmitter.
Other boxes are out there with the same capabilities, under $100.