What a great story Carl!
I can share your pain....and your joy.
I too suffered from my share of those "Ass U Me D" moments....and suffered from the most painful bite of the "Ass U Me D" monster.
I'm now a member of AAA Anti-Assumers Anonymous.
My Worse - For over a year my HRO 5 standing monitoring duty on the workbench seemed to be intermittently deaf, would work great for hours only to have signals almost fade away. Ah ha, bad caps I said, one of its 70 year old paper caps was breaking down with heat...replaced them all...played well for awhile, then back came the problem...ok, not a bad cap, must be a bad resistor....set on its side, bottom cover off, Simpson 260 lashed into circut...could never get it to act up with the meter at hand...
Ok, its got to be a bad tubes...yea, thats it, putting it on its side with the bottom cover off increased air flow and the tubes were not acting up...or so I assumed...sure that is the problem...one of those 70 year old tubes was weak or gassy and not showing up on my trusty Hicock tube tester....replaced them all....still the problem remained, would work for 10 minutes sometimes, or even hours or days, but without warning the signals would fade away, still there, but much, much weaker. Of course it was a pretty set, why does all the ratty looking gear work well, and the very clean gear always be so temperamental..oh, those women are like radios thoughts again...
Only a year and countless hours later did I discover that the MFJ antenna switch connected to the workbench had developed an internal problem, the solder connection on one of the SO-239 connectors was cracked, and the connector was afloat in switch. Poor design, rather than bolting in, the connector was just pressed into the switch body and it had worked loose, stressing and opening up the solder joint sporadically. I finally understand what I've heard folks share MFJ really stood for. Of course it worked fine on the other three posistions which fed the rest of the station, only the workbench outlet had a problem...
Where can those insights come from during those WOW moments...other than our brain idling away on a problem...amazing how well those God given computers really work!
Tnx for sharing OM.