No effects on ssb at all, unless you use the Vox anti-vox pot as the carrier control for AM as suggested in the mods. Then the VOX will not work - it will be PTT only for both ssb and AM. If you desire a VOX on ssb then use a separate pot for the new AM carrier control. (externally or internallly mounted) I never use VOX on ssb, so it was not an issue.
The mods for AM start at the point in the T4X audio chain where it branches off for AM use. The ssb low level audio in the rig is used for ssb only IF you inject the audio at the one volt point where suggested in the mods. If you use the T4X low level audio for AM, this low level audio chain will need to be modified cuz it is restricted bandwidth for ssb use. (~ 300-3000hz)
Ah So. Thanks. I don't use VOX either, so loss of that is no issue. Would you also bypass the crystal filters as one of the others did by putting in a new 3 position LSB/USB (DSB) switch?