The first HQ-170 I bought suffered from the IF cap problem. For a short time Hammarlund built the caps in as part of the transformer and they were open construction which is a recipe for disaster. Pretty easy to repair since modern dipped mica caps are so small.
I have never used the HQ-145 but it looks decent. I guess it is a step down from the HQ-140/150/160 with its smaller number of ranges (and probably less complex tuning capacitors).
Hammarlund receivers are known for bad IF xfmrs. In the sixties I would order replacements from Hammarlund. In later years I would repair the xfmrs. Some xfmrs, if I remember correctly, have the caps built into the plastic base. These can also be repaired.
I still have a HQ-110 that, so far, seems to be OK but, I don't use it very often.
I also have a Hammarlund SP-210 (BC-1004), it has the the big jumbo IF cans, built to withstand bomb blasts.
The only Hammarlunds that I would ever consider acquiring would be the early ones that have the jumbo IF cans.
I use, as my main station receivers, a National HRO-M (1940) and a NC-183D.