I agree with Slab Bacon. An L will give you more low angle radiation which is great for DX but not as good as a horizontal doublet for your stated goal.
I don't know how much total horizontal space you have but if NE US ragchewing from NH is your goal, you need to go horizontal. 35' high is an OK height for this.
Try to get at last 90 - 100' horizontal (of course 130' is better), center fed with ladder line/open wire, ends as high off the ground as possible. As to tuner, an old Johnson Matchbox or a HB link coupled type will do the job. You may have to fiddle with feed line length to get a match on all bands of interest.
Now, having said all this, if you are limited by horizontal space you could go with an inverted L as a compromise antenna dictated by your QTH. 45'x45', center fed (again with open wire) will work. Radials won't help much if at all. I use a 90'x90 version, no radials, at my MI cabin with good results on 160, 80 & 40.
LB Cebik discusses the center fed L here: