Here's the scenario: Sitting somewhere on a shelf, or in the basement is your Hallicrafters HT-37 from an obscure hamfest or a garage sale that you just had to have.. It might be paired up with your trusty SX-101 that you turn on once in a while but basically don't use..(sure looks hammy eh?)..
So I had a few days off from work and HAD to find a project.. And there, in the corner of my upstairs shack was the HT-37 that I NEVER use..
I found very little on the net, a few suggestions on this forum.. so it was time to pop open a few 807's and study the skizmatic..
Phasing generation is interesting and complex but has an elegance that brute force filtering lacks.. I think that a tutorial on both methods would lead to narcoleptic issues so here's a link to the mods (quick and easy) that make the HT-37 sweep out from 45Hz to 12K..
http://www.dealamerica.com/ht-37/ht-37audio-mods.htmregards and have fun!
Jeff W2NBC