The boards are a piece of the Class E puzzle....a nice piece using the QIX design, which is bulletproof. As one can see from the nice posts by Al, building an E TX is a significant endeavor. The mechanical aspects of an E build are really the biggest challenge. Its not a coincidence that some of the more successful builds have been by guys with machinist talents like Wayne WA1SSJ and Bob K1KBW. These guys and idiots like me are lucky to be in close proximity to Steve

I personally love E designs. Super efficient, no high voltage and they have excellent audio. The bad rap on solid state has historically been the lack of forgiveness. But Steve has got that conquered too with a simple sensing PCB that senses over voltage and current, the former being the critical item. But even then blowing up an 11n90 has not been a big deal as they are only a couple bucks each (I just bought some more C versions at $1.50 each).
Back to the mechanical challenges, I think this is what gives most people pause when considering building one. The place to start is the RF deck. And the key there is the heatsink. I found a heatsink and basically built the RF deck around it. The other big part in the RF deck is the tuning takes a pretty big bread slicer OR a high voltage Vac variable. In my case, armed with these key components, the rest was easy.
But my work is "ugly". At least compared to Wayne and Bobs museum quality work.

The mod deck is where Steve's boards come in. If not for the boards, the mod deck would be 10X the work of the RF deck. It still is a lot of components and wiring, but made easier with the boards.
The new SiC FETs offer a significant change in the RF deck mechanics with 1/4 the FETS required. But they are still in R&D by several people. They can be a game changer. Time will tell....and I look forward to the telling!
BTW...Nice to have an E site again. I wish we could get access to the original posts as there was a lot of great info there.