Hello AM Lovers, Some days ago I got an email from an AM lover (usa).
He asked me about good/free freq. on 40 mtrs.
Some bc stations aren't anymore on air, I mean between 7200 - 7300 khz.
During some days I monitoring between 7200 - 7300 khz.
Mornings between +/- 06.15 - 06.50 hours our time.
There is part of the 40 mtr band free/clean between 7230 - 7240 khz.
During the next days/weeks I will monitoring again on 40 mtrs.
Sorry, but lower then 7200 often many ssb stations calling to the usa.
And when they hear someone, many stations at the same time calling...
And! the freq. 7290 khz isn't a good freq., we cann't hear AM on that freq.
Because on 7295 khz is a very strong bc station, who blowing all away...
Sorry, we in Europa may not transmit beween 7200 - 7300 khz.
But I (we!) can try to receive AM from the usa....
Can you tell me: between 7200 - 7300; is there some AM activities by you?
Henk, pe1mph