Hello AM Lovers, Yesterdaymorning and this morning....
I could it not believe:
NO BC on 7290 khz!!! I listen between (as usual!) 06.10 - 06.45 hour by me.
(04.00 - 04.45 GMT Time)
Yesterday (Sunday) I heard some ssb on 7195 khz, but weak.
Today totaly nothing around 7290 khz.
Some 'topics' I mention..... not possible to receive AM on 7290.....

But maybe.... the BC is shortly off air?
I mean the same 'is going on' on 7220 khz?
Some days BC station off air & some days BC station on air?!

But AM lovers I keep listening early mornings on 7220 & 7290 khz!
One thing is sure..... I hear on these freq. no European-contesters!

When I receive any AM station on above freq., I let you know...
Oh by the way, we (Europeans) many
not transmit on 7220 & 7290 khz.
Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands