Title: Helpful Hints Post by: W2INR on August 21, 2005, 08:26:31 AM Here are a few Helpful Hints for using the site. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
AMFONE & THE AM FORUM 1) The site is design to be viewed at 1024 X 768. 2) Make sure you have the latest version of Direct X and FlashPlayer on your machine. These are free downloads if you are not sure just go and update your version. Over 95% of the computers out there have these installed by maker. 3) You will need to use cookies. I assure evryone that this is only for a operational issues. 4) Left Column Sidebar is a "quicklinks" type thing that will allow you to navigate the site with a Quick clilck. 5) Use the Help feature of the progarms we are using. They provide great info in a easy to understand format. 6) Please feel free to contact Jay or any of the staff if you have questions. 7) Please try to keep your images as small as possible. With the ability to upload direct from your machine there will be more pictures which will mean more bandwidth for the user to deal with. AUDIO & VIDEO ROOMS There are two Rooms setup for Internet Realtime communications, The A/V Room and the Audio Comm. Both of these rooms provide text messaging and Full duplex audio channels. The A/V room also has Video. What you will need : Flashplayer 7 or better, a duplex sound card and a camera. Both of these rooms will require logging into. The A/v Room is integrated into the Forum so you will not have to log into the video room if you are logged into the site. If you Direct link to the Video room you will have to log into the site using you username and pass from the site. The Audio Comm is a self regisitered room which means you will have to regisiter to use it and then log in each time you wish to ues it. Sure beats long distance!! When you enter either room you will be asked for connction permission in a small Macromedio pop up bx. In order to use the system you will have to allow. This is also where you can set up your audio levels and if you are in the Video rooom select your camera or video device. Once you have granted permission you will need t odecide whether you will run VOX or PTT. I recoomend PTT. The vox tends to lend it self to echos on the channels. When you log into the Video Room the first thing you need to do is move the video window. When the program opens it "STACKS" the video feeds in one pile. You need to just drag the video windows away from the load up spot to see all on the channel. After that most on the channel will help you get set up. These are some helpful hints to guide you thru the site. There will be muchmore added here as time goes on. If you need help please coontact the AMFONE Staff Thanks |