The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: KA2PTE on April 30, 2023, 01:14:26 PM

Title: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on April 30, 2023, 01:14:26 PM
I put in for one about 2 weeks ago to commemorate the USN
famlies and survivors of the USS Liberty, I picked the call N1U
but it seems like according to QRZ its taken? The form I sent in
said it was last used in 2012.

I asked if it mattered where the actual special event station is located
and the ARRL said no, and I ought to have an answer in 1 week but
its been past that time.

Could it be the 1x1 is already in use and should I pick another one and try
sending it?

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA3EKH on April 30, 2023, 02:58:45 PM
Cool, we get together in November and do a Special Event Station for Able Archer 83, another event where communications issues occurred. We request and always receive authorization for the W3A call sign. Are you going to do a special event site? We have operated from a decommissioned Nike missile site and the last couple years from an old SOSUS site at Cape Henlopen State park in Delaware.
Maybe once we get closer to the date of your event I can head over to the NSA Museum at Fort Meade and we can do a QSO?

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on May 01, 2023, 08:54:21 AM
I checked yesterday and it looked like in their DB it was approved, but today the 1x1 call site redirects to

The ARRL had told me their site was having hosting problems, so maybe they are reconfiguring some things so will check
back in a few days.

The event will be on the anniversary the ship was attacked and nearly sunk in international waters which is June 8 and will go on
to june 9.

Not many hams know the radio tech serving onboard was a licensed amateur operator who went out on the deck and
took enemy fire to get the coax fixed to an antenna and get out an SOS to the fleet.

This is my first shot at a special event station. I think I may put up a QRZ page for it, but probably not a seperate site right now.

Cool, we get together in November and do a Special Event Station for Able Archer 83, another event where communications issues occurred. We request and always receive authorization for the W3A call sign. Are you going to do a special event site? We have operated from a decommissioned Nike missile site and the last couple years from an old SOSUS site at Cape Henlopen State park in Delaware.
Maybe once we get closer to the date of your event I can head over to the NSA Museum at Fort Meade and we can do a QSO?

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: K4RT on May 02, 2023, 11:44:40 PM
I picked the call N1U
but it seems like according to QRZ its taken? The form I sent in
said it was last used in 2012.

Contact QRZ, tell them the dates the 1x1 is assigned to you and ask them to update the entry for that call. I have heard mixed reviews on QRZ's responsiveness to such requests, but give it a shot.

Good luck with your special event. How about posting the dates and frequencies here?

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on May 04, 2023, 07:33:15 PM
N1U was "occupied". Found out if you contact the ham who claimed it, you can request they
release it, so he did and the QRZ page is showing some info.

This site [ ] is suppose to be the DB for them, was down
a few days but seems to be working and shows N1U is approved.

I have picked up a station in PA who will be working digital modes on some bands as

I am leaving it open to other hams in different states on if they wanna participate,
I can assign N1U/4 or whatever as need be.

My tenative plan is SSB 40m in the morning till mid afternoon, then may try some 60m
and finish up on 80m at night.

Greg K1YW in MA said he can supply QSL cards for those requesting.
I will try to get some hams to coordinate and record on the SDR's and maybe also
use netlogger. I also have a thread for the event on QRZ and eham.

Contact QRZ, tell them the dates the 1x1 is assigned to you and ask them to update the entry for that call. I have heard mixed reviews on QRZ's responsiveness to such requests, but give it a shot.

Good luck with your special event. How about posting the dates and frequencies here?

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on June 14, 2023, 09:28:05 PM
Event was a success, I totaled over 14 hrs of air time over a 2 day period on 40-80m ssb.
Full recordings up for listening at

So far got 2 qsl cards, and am sure there will be some more.

I looped the USS Liberty surviving crew in on the event
and linked them to the recordings.

A great exercise in the 1st ammendment and it made me understand what they
endured a bit more for sure.

As with any other of our constitutional rights, if you do not exercise them,
like muscles they tend to go to flab. As hams we do excersize the 1st ammendment
on a daily basis and its still a great way to talk about "not so popular" subjects the
news media prefers not to discuss.

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: WB4AIO on June 27, 2023, 03:42:26 PM
Excellent work, Steve. An anniversary that deserves to be remembered.


Kevin, WB4AIO.

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on June 06, 2024, 05:18:30 PM
Ok short notice but we are good to go this yr, check the N1U QRZ page for the info.
Starting tomorrow (propogation pending 7245KC lowest slop bucket)
right after the Navy net.

Title: Re: Special event station
Post by: KA2PTE on January 18, 2025, 10:30:50 AM
Some GREAT news !
I thought it would be awesome if I could get N1U this year as a "field day" type event over at the Butler Breezeshooters hamfest
which is held exactly on the same days as N1U. I contacted the organizers and I have the "all systems go" to get it goin !

I will need help , volunteers and I guess I will get a PDF flyer goin soon to describe it. They say LOTS of Vets attend the fest,
and maybe some of the vendors could loan out a tower and guy wires we prop up with some dipoles for multiple bands, NCS's can volunteer etc
and it would be def an attraction that sets that hamfest out from the rest for its military focus. It could be a regular special event held there for a long time,
who knows?
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