The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: k4kyv on February 02, 2006, 11:35:05 PM

Title: Cheap and easy backup
Post by: k4kyv on February 02, 2006, 11:35:05 PM
I just submitted my comments re RM-11306, and am waiting for them to appear on the FCC website.  I thought just occurred, what if the computer crapped out and at the same time the didn't make it on the site due to some internet glitch.  Also, according to the news, some kind of virus is estimated to have infected 150,000 computers in the US, and at midnight tonight is supposed to wipe out massive amounts of data such as word processing and spreadsheet files.

I have an external hard drive, but don't have it connected up right now; need to install some software to make it work.

A simple, cost free backup can be had by using one of the free web-based e-mail services.  I have accounts with Hotmail, Yahoo and MyWay.  The Hotmail account will hold 250 mb of data, and the MyWay account 125 mb.  I just backed up my comments by attatching the file to an e-mail message and sending it to myself.  Even if my machine gets nuked, the file is still there in the Hotmail data base, accessible by any computer connected to the net anywhere in the world.

Title: Re: Cheap and easy backup
Post by: w1guh on February 03, 2006, 01:11:20 AM

Yea, they do the job superbly...

But the subject?  "Cheap and Easy?"  As in W2EWL?


Title: Re: Cheap and easy backup
Post by: k4kyv on February 04, 2006, 01:20:54 PM
I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to Gmail. It's now listed as a "beta" application, so wonder if it will still be free once the final version comes out.

I was about ready to throw in the sponge with Hotmail, but about that time they increased storage from a measly 4 mb to 250 mb, and added an effective spam filter, so I have stayed with them, mostly for subscribed reflectors and news services.  Google claims to automatically categorise all e-mail archives into threads similar to what we have on this board.  That would make it easy to find correspondence. 

Looks like a better all-around deal than Hotmail, but I'm just a little reluctant to archive all my saved messages on a "beta" service.

If the final product stays as good and remains free, Google will likely take over as THE web-based e-mail service, just as they have taken over as THE search enigne.

But I heard somewhere just the other day that the company had finished the year in the red. I don't see how they can keep an operation that big going with no revenue other than sponsored links - that don't work unless I disable the custom HOSTS file, exit the page and re-enter.  The HOSTS file also blocks most of the banner ads in Hotmail.

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