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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1UJR on May 07, 2008, 09:19:22 AM

Title: Tesla On The History Channel - May 14, 2008 (Death Ray Included!)
Post by: W1UJR on May 07, 2008, 09:19:22 AM
I love reading about Tesla, fascinating man indeed, so this promises to be a must watch for me, and I'm certain for many others here as well.

73 Bruce

History Channel Show to Feature Nikola Tesla - Modern Marvels, a series on The History Channel, will feature electricity pioneer Nikola Tesla in an episode scheduled to air May 14.

Helping out with the program was Bob "Loby" Lobenstein, WA2AXZ; Lobenstein is General Superintendent, Power Operations for New York City's subway system. "We did 8 hours of taping interviews at my 1904 power substation," Lobenstein said. "In addition to the action scenes of me throwing the 100 year old switches and demonstrating the use of power, I did a 'Mr Wizard' talk, showing the various things that 'Mr T' envisioned and invented. Of course, radio had a part and I just had to put the D-104 mic with our club's K2IRT shield into view!"

According to The History Channel, Tesla's "...bizarre vision of the future brought him failure, but his genius electrified the world. Travel to Niagara Falls, where in 1893, Tesla installed his new system of Alternating Electrical Current known as AC -- the same power we use today.

Uncover the forgotten ruins of Tesla's dream experiment -- a huge tower on Long Island Sound he hoped would wirelessly power the world. Radar, death rays, invisibility devices and earthquake machines: Tesla claimed to have created them all. More than 100 years ago Tesla foresaw the need for alternative energies like geothermal and solar."

Check the The History Channel Web site for show times -->>

Title: Re: Tesla On The History Channel - May 14, 2008 (Death Ray Included!)
Post by: Mike/W8BAC on May 07, 2008, 09:47:42 AM
I'm glad you posted this Bruce. I'm a big fan of all things Tesla and will be watching. I would also urge people to look for one of his biography's. In my opinion "Tesla, Man out of Time" is the best. look here for that book and others. (

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