The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1RC on April 22, 2007, 09:39:51 AM

Title: HELP WANTED: Volunteers Needed to Help Run NEAR-Fest.......
Post by: W1RC on April 22, 2007, 09:39:51 AM
We're less than two weeks away from 'D-Day" and the excitement is mounting.....

Many of you have offered to help in any way you can to make NEAR-Fest a resounding success so we can make this a regular happening held twice annually as was the case with Hosstraders. 

NEAR-Fest Director of Operations Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF has put out a call for volunteers and helpers.  Thus far he has 21 names on his list.  The commitment is for one (or more) three hour blocks.  In addition to the wonderful feeling of being a part of something as this landmark undertaking, volunteers will receive a small token of appreciation such as a pass or a meal ticket graciously donated by one of our excellent food vendors.

If you want to help and score a free pass or eats please e-mail Mike at:

He needs the following information for each potential volunteer:



            Email address

            Phone numbeer


He will add you to his e-mail distribution list and you will be kept "in the loop" on this aspect of NEAR-Fest participation.

My cohorts and I want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the AM community and this Forum in particular for the incredible support we have received in putting thisn together.  We have all the $$$ we need to open the gates Friday morning and we know this will be an unqualified success. 



MrMike, W1TC
NEAR-Fest General Chairman

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