Well that disco thing can sure get funky... All them pretty songs seem too slow, I like to sit and pick with them good old boys... Or maybe New Wave's in I just don't know, When the critics try to analyze a career trend... I just sit back and watch them come and go, 'Cause I can play that rock & roll for ya... I can play that rock & roll.
"I Can Play that Rock & Roll" from the LP "You Bought It- You Name It" Warner Brother Records- 1983
W1GFH 12 Mar 2007
About 3 years ago, he was a much more hard core AMer and would get on the air 2 or 3 nights a week and BS with us local AMers. He was a very good sport. We once gave him an on-the-air CW test to see if he could copy 15wpm (he can) and quizzed his knowledge of guitar trivia (excellent). I will look around and see if I can dig up some of the recordings I made of his various AM rigs on the air.
WA3VJB 12 Mar 2007
WOW he really DOES get on the air. First time I've ever heard him on the radio.
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