Spending a few weeks finishing a remodel of a high school. Fringe benifits you know.
All metal shop equipment available for a song. So, now have a really nice bench grinder and cast iron pedestal. Also grabbed one of those giant drill presses. The thing has got to weigh at least 350 Lbs. Either that or I am getting old (nah). The other vultures passed it by because it is 3 phase. The question to you metalwork veterans is would it pay to use a DC motor with a speed controller like this? I have a good size DC motor here in the pile.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Motor-Variable-Speed-Control-AC-DC-120v-AC-15-Amps-New_W0QQitemZ7541781241QQcategoryZ42920QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemOR should I just use the existing 3 phase motor on 1 phase with a starting cap at reduced power?
My current drill press is one of those Home Depot Asain jobs. It's OK but there is not enough distance from the center of the bit to the post and it is petty weak. I don't have a lot of time on these machines and need a few words from someone who has.
To rephrase the question. Would there be an advantage to speed control of the drill press similar to a sewing machine?