There's supposed to be a table for the specs at the bottom. Alignment did work out but there's a link at the very bottom to this particular transistor that shows the table.
Silicon NPN Transistor
Final RF Power Output
The 2SC2509 is a silicon NPN epitaxial planer type transistor designed for RF power amplifiers on HF band mobile radio applications.
TO-220 Case
* High Power Gain: Gpe >/= 12dB (VCC = 12V, PO = 16W, f = 27MHz)
* Ability to Withstand Infinite VSWR Load when Operated at:
VCC = 16V, PO = 20W, f = 27MHz
* 10 to 14 Watt Output Power Class AB Amplifier Applications in HF Band
Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TC = +25°C unless otherwise specified)
Collector-Emitter Voltage (RBE = Infinity), VCEO 25V
Collector-Base Voltage, VCBO 60V
Emitter-Base Voltage, VEBO 5V
Collector Current, IC 6A
Collector Power Dissipation (TA = +25°C), PD 1.7W
Collector Power Dissipation (TC = +50°C), PD 20W
Operating Junction Temperature, TJ +150°C
Storage Temperature Range, Tstg -55° to +150°C
Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case, RthJC 6.25°C/W
Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient, RthJA 73.5°C/W
Electrical Characteristics: (TC = +25°C unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)CBO IC = 1mA, IE = 0 60 - - V
Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage V(BR)CEO IC = 10mA, RBE = Infinity 25 - - V
Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)EBO IE = 5mA, IC = 0 5 - - V
Collector Cutoff Current ICBO VCB = 30V IE = 0 - - 100 µA
Emitter Cutoff Current IEBO VEB = 4V, IC = 0 - - 100 µA
DC Forward Current Gain hFE VCE = 12V, IC = 10mA, Note 1 10 50 180
Power Output PO VCC = 12V, Pin = 1W, f = 27MHz 16 18 - W
Collector Efficiency 60 70 - %