I believe u can get them or find out where to get them from Mal. He is the 102 expert.
He may know FT-102's very well, but he is also very full of himself. He has the relays but won't sell them in the US. With that said, I may still have him work on my rig as I am quite an impatient fellow. Here is an email I just received from him:
Hello JT,
I have the relays in stock but I do not sell them in the US. However, I will replace yours for 15.00 each for the Omron 184s.
Before you accuse me of trying to drum up business please let me explain that the relays are no longer being made. The only way that I can get them is to special order them in lots of 100 from Newark Electronics. They charge over 9.00 per unit and that means when I need to get more relays I have to lay out almost $1000 and once the order is placed there is no canceling it for any reason as that is the way with special order items. Economic reality is hard to ignore so I chose not to deplete the supply.
In addition I have found that more than 50% of hams will botch the job and rip up traces and break wires. I know this because I have seen everyone else's mistakes over the past 15 years and over 500 of the 102s that I have repaired.
I do sell the relays overseas since those fellows have no reasonable way to ship the radio to me. And, I charge the same 15.00 whether I put them in myself or sell them.
Another point that needs to be mentioned is that there were several other causes for sensitivity loss besides the relays. Those include misalignment and wear of the bandswitch, poorly crimped bullet connections, fractured traces, torn traces and Witch's hat fractures of the soldered trace connections. These collectively account for as many sensitivity problems as the relays. So I find that when I did sell the relays (years back) installation by the owners did not cure all the problems and the 102 went to the radio graveyard since the owner figured he was at the end of the rope. To me that was a waste of a difficult to replenish resource with no gain.
Sorry to be so long winded but I want people to realize that my reasons for not selling the relays has nothing to do with profit. I personally feel the 102 is the Stradivarius of transceivers and I would like to keep them a force to be reckoned with. They are becoming very popular and are reaching cult status because of its AM capability.
If you would like to discuss your plans for the radio please give me a call as I love to chat about the radio but I am a relatively slow typist. I used to say that I could type 44 mistakes a minute (hihi). MY number is 954-961-2034 and you can usually reach me anytime from 7PM to 1AM.
By the way you might want to check out my 102 website at
www.members.aol.com/NC4LMal as there are some great photos, phototutorials and general info about the radio. In addition I have placed some nice modifications that are a snap to do.
73 de NC4L Mal