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Author Topic: Taking Ugly Betty to the Prom.  (Read 662 times)
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« on: January 31, 2025, 10:44:33 PM »

  For this year's Rally I decided to give my faithful DX-60B a rest and slide my little home-brew rig, which I've christened Ugly Betty, into its spot in the shack. Ugly Betty started life as MOPA single 6146B CW transmitter, bought at a hamfest last year. I removed the 5U4 rectifier and replaced it with a 6AG7 to drive the 6146B; added another 6AG7 as a VFO buffer; changed the power supply from capacitor input to choke input; added a regulated bias supply and keying relay—in other words it became an entirely different thing altogether.
  It's a pretty kluged up thing; starting with someone else's build didn't leave me with a whole lot of freedom in laying things out. I had to use relays actuated by the band switch (80/40) to switch the turned circuits in the VFO buffer and the driver, where if I'd had my choice I would have used a band switch with a long shaft turning several rotary switch wafers in different compartments.
    I installed an octal socket in the rear, wired to mimic a DX-60's accessory jack, so I can use my existing HG-10 VFO and T/R coaxial relay.
  Is it audacious, or maybe even absurd, to include a viewing window in a 6146B rig? Well, there was a gap, and I could have filled it with aluminum or fiberglass, but I had some clear Lexan and couldn't resist.
  More about Ugly Betty's transformation:
  The modulator is external, also built by me a few years ago:
  So far I've made a handful of contacts in the Rally, with fine audio reports and no glitches. Ugly Betty is in her glory!

* Ugly Betty Front.JPG (87.49 KB, 1024x768 - viewed 124 times.)

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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This ham got his ticket the old fashioned way.

« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2025, 12:15:20 AM »

Bill, I happened to be lurking in the shadows when Ugly Betty was holding court with the Larry at W1VCM and possibly Tron this evening, among others.  (So many QSOs, I didn't take notes, and the ole memory ain't perfect no more..)  For an ugly lady, she has a fine sweet voice, certainly a good substitute for your Dixie Sixty during this rally. After viewing her photograph, she is not really that ugly, but then again we have not had a look up under her skirt!  I trust that your were prudent in arranging her lead dress.

One thing I always enjoy about modifying or repurposing someone else's creation is the fact that I can also be creative in trying to figure out how best to repurpose the existing holes in the chassis.  It appears you have talents along similar lines.

Hope to run into you during the rally this weekend, either on 40 or 75, ionosphere willing.

Rick / W8KHK  ex WB2HKX, WB4GNR
"Both politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason.”   Ronald Reagan

My smart?phone voicetext screws up homophones, but they are crystal clear from my 75 meter plate-modulated AM transmitter

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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2025, 12:41:19 PM »

  Thanks, Rick. Building up that little rig was just plain fun. It started as sort of a rush job, intended for last year's Rally, but failing that, it sat for the better part of a year before getting back onto the bench about a week ago; again rushing to get it ready, but this time it all came together.
  I didn't get particularly creative, break any new ground, or reinvent any wheels; it's just a very basic 6146 rig. Bias for the 6146B is 50/50, fixed bias supply and grid-leak, and everything is grid-blocked in standby. The only thing I did that might be slightly out of the norm is the way I applied modulation to the screen. I used this:
  It worked very well, but to be fair, I didn't try any of the more common methods for comparison, like a single screen resistor or using a choke to let the screen self-modulate.
  The efficiency is low, right around 65%, but I figure that's because I'm only putting 315v on the plate, under load. The RCA specs give numbers for 475v and 600v, and there's an increase in efficiency of roughly 4% at the higher voltage, so my ~65% is probably right in the ballpark for 315v.
  Screen voltage rises to 296v at idle, which bothers me a bit since RCA specs 250v max, but it's probably okay since it's only at idle and not operating. I thought of pulling it down at idle, but I ran out of contacts on my relay.
  Yes, Timtron was in the mix last night, along with Larry and Bob at the Museum. Larry sounded great on the Gates, as usual, and Bob had a great evening on 6 meters with the Climaster. The Rally is off to a great start.
  Yes, hope to hear you on 40 or 75!

Bill, I happened to be lurking in the shadows when Ugly Betty was holding court with the Larry at W1VCM and possibly Tron this evening, among others.  (So many QSOs, I didn't take notes, and the ole memory ain't perfect no more..)  For an ugly lady, she has a fine sweet voice, certainly a good substitute for your Dixie Sixty during this rally. After viewing her photograph, she is not really that ugly, but then again we have not had a look up under her skirt!  I trust that your were prudent in arranging her lead dress.

One thing I always enjoy about modifying or repurposing someone else's creation is the fact that I can also be creative in trying to figure out how best to repurpose the existing holes in the chassis.  It appears you have talents along similar lines.

Hope to run into you during the rally this weekend, either on 40 or 75, ionosphere willing.

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2025, 06:03:21 PM »

Ugly Betty puts out.

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« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2025, 06:35:51 PM »

I've always been a big fan of underappreciated women.

Ugly Betty puts out.

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2025, 08:54:50 AM »

I worked Ugly Betty on 40 the other day. Sounded great. You should issue a special QSL!

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« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2025, 10:10:49 AM »

I'd have to design an appropriately ugly QSL.

I worked Ugly Betty on 40 the other day. Sounded great. You should issue a special QSL!

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2025, 01:26:24 PM »

I'd have to design an appropriately ugly QSL.

* KD1SH_QSL.jpeg (253.49 KB, 898x680 - viewed 78 times.)

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This ham got his ticket the old fashioned way.

« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2025, 01:51:28 PM »

I'd have to design an appropriately ugly QSL.

Bill, you took a beautiful young lass, wrinkled her skin extensively, and made the gal look 88 years old.   How could you be so crass?

Fine piece of artwork!  Make sure you order sufficient quantity from shutterfly to cover your voluminous number of contacts.  When Ugly Betty wins her category, the participants will be anxiously checking their mailboxes often!  

I looked at the other threads you listed, and under the skirt one could see a nice neat slip and a couple garters, so she appears to be a pristine lady!  By the way, Betty did not seem to need any clip leads.  You could have saved a roll of tin and lead, and be the winner in two categories simultaneously.   Well, there is always next year!

Rick / W8KHK  ex WB2HKX, WB4GNR
"Both politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason.”   Ronald Reagan

My smart?phone voicetext screws up homophones, but they are crystal clear from my 75 meter plate-modulated AM transmitter

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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2025, 08:45:49 AM »

Thanks, Joe, that's awesome! Next time my wife is here in the shack I'll show it to her—she doesn't like it when I call the rig Ugly Betty. Maybe she'll appreciate it more when she sees the QSL.

I'd have to design an appropriately ugly QSL.


"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2025, 08:59:41 AM »

  Well, the QSL was Joe's work, but I love it! I'm happy to say that Betty's first foray into the ballroom was quite the success, and she came through with her honor unscathed. She danced well and never stepped on my feet, but I will admit that her perfume—the fresh varnish on her wooden cabinet—might have been a bit strong as things warmed up.

I'd have to design an appropriately ugly QSL.

Bill, you took a beautiful young lass, wrinkled her skin extensively, and made the gal look 88 years old.   How could you be so crass?

Fine piece of artwork!  Make sure you order sufficient quantity from shutterfly to cover your voluminous number of contacts.  When Ugly Betty wins her category, the participants will be anxiously checking their mailboxes often!  

I looked at the other threads you listed, and under the skirt one could see a nice neat slip and a couple garters, so she appears to be a pristine lady!  By the way, Betty did not seem to need any clip leads.  You could have saved a roll of tin and lead, and be the winner in two categories simultaneously.   Well, there is always next year!

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
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