Hello AM Lovers,
Now I am sitting in our livingroom.
I could not sleep.... and drink a cup of tea!
Ofcourse the radio on....
Kenwood R-5000 connect with wire hanging outsite..
By us now 03:20 in the morning.
On 3885 khz I hear: W1UUU
Fair signal and fading, S 1 - S 2.
I hear only him....
He is talking with Tim?

I am a happy man....
Less )electric) noise on my radio!!
The sun panels are Out....
So for me it is a long time ago I hear AM in 3885,
from the Usa.
Mostly I listen during daytime to 15 / 10 meter.
On those band I have then less noise...
But many on noise on mw, 160, 80 and 40.
I take again a tea, perhaps comming more stations on 3885.
Henk / Pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands