As the title states, I am trying to solder a two-pin connector for a Johnson ranger 1, to a 4-wire Astatic D104.
I searched google but did not find, and the schematics are of little help to me.
Sorry for the newbie question, I'm sure it's really simple.
Nothing is simple with stuff that has been massaged over "X" number of times by others.
Is the D-104 mounted on a Push-to-Talk stand?
Does the Ranger have Push-to-Talk circuitry?
Is it an amplified D-104?
What are the colors of the wires coming out of the D104 stand? Are the wires terminated in the bottom of the stand to a terminal strip?
Here's one scenario:

Here's another:

If it's an amplified mike, you may want to disable the amplifier which requires modification of the wiring.