Hello AM Lovers,Just I awake and walk to our living room.
The receiver Kenwood R 5000 on (connect with dipole 2x +/- 33 m) and I listen to 40 meters.
By us now night, Summertime 02:05
I can see by you, in Usa, it soon getting dark:
http://rx.linkfanel.net/I were wondering, because I can hear carriers on 7295 and +/- 7285 khz.

And a naked carrier on 7291 khz, with a good signal.
To check if there are now AM stations on
7295 and 7285 I listen to these Webreceiver:
I need to listen in narrow on my radio to hear something, but now signals are weak to copy.
On both freq. I can hear only some words...
Some days ago, by me early morning, I heard Tim, calling CQ.
My memory says on 7286 khz.....

Moment I listen short if I can hear now some names or calls on my
OWN receiver.
And I drink something....

(time by me now 02:17)
Stations on 7295 are now Off Air.
The stations on 7285 are still weak, I can hear only some words on my receiver.
Oh by the way on 7275 I hear a BC station, with a fair signal.
A pity, I were shortly to our kitchen came back.... and now nobody on 7285!

Oke, then I go now again to bed.... hi, hi...
Have all a good night!
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands