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Author Topic: Noise on MW and 80 (3885 khz)  (Read 8757 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: April 07, 2024, 04:14:23 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Last time I have a lot of NOISE and disturbing / electric noise, on mediumwave and shortwave, on my radio. Angry
Thats not good for my AM ears.....
I have tried already many things to get it away, but....
Last days I tried a Noise Killer (made by my friend Oene), but no improvement. Cry

Lucky for me, I have less (only sometimes a little) noise on 15 and Ten meters! Smiley

Therefore I listen a lot with Webreceivers, but..... ofcourse I like to hear stations on my own radio!!
Sometimes I have early in the morning less / fewer noise, then I can hear BC stations from the Usa on mw.
For example: VOCM 590, WINS 1010 and Bloomberg 1130.
But the Sun gets more 'power' and the days become longer, now Summertime in The Netherlands.
Hi, hi..... last week on a early morning I heard them on mediumwave, ofcourse not strong anymore....

Last night I awake very early and walk to our kitchen to get something to drink....
Then I go to our livingroom and listen to 3885 khz, time around 03.45 hour Summertime by us!
I falling nearly from the chair! I heard Chuck K1KW on 3885 khz talking, and he pressed all noise away by me!! Grin
But I could NOT hear any word from Don K4KYV....

Then I go to my studio, tuned my antenne 1:1 on 3885 khz and listen with my (old) TS 50 Kenwood.
Again to hear Chuck no problem for me, but no Don..... a pity, his signal to weak to came over the strong noise...
To many noise and disturbing noises!

Very nice to hear Chuck talking, he and Don can talk long.... hi, hi.... Grin

So thats all for now. Smiley


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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