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Author Topic: NEAR-Fest - The Inside Story!  (Read 2958 times)
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« on: May 01, 2024, 07:57:56 AM »

I have been reading some of the postings on QRZ and other sites about NEAR-Fest and the a few unsubstantiated rumors about us moving it to another venue.
As of today, May 1st 2024, there have been no decisions made to move the event from Deerfield Fairgrounds.
Any changes to the regular NEAR-Fest routine will be posted on our web site, on our Facebook page and of course, on AMFONE.
I do not keep secrets from the folks. After eighteen years you know me and how I operate.
But know this. I have been running NEAR-Fest since 2007 and, in my opinion, it has been a complete success. My staff and I are very proud of our accomplishments.
In and around 2016 I decided that my job was done; it was time to retire gracefully on my own terms and I started looking for a successor. I asked John, N1JAF and he agreed to take over. But a situation developed in his family and he couldn’t move forward with what we had planned. I then asked Larry, N1PHV, the man who owned the JEEP with the 106mm recoilless rifle mounted on it to take over. But he was forced to decline due to failing health. Then I met a couple, Phil, KA1PXZ and Kelley KE1LEY, from Vermont, who offered to help with NEAR-Fest. He is retired law enforcement and she is a Special Ed director, which is a combination of exactly what we need on some occasions.  Phil worked with Larry learning the ropes until 2018 when Larry unfortunately became a SK.
Then came Covid 19. I decided this was not the ideal time to step down and I guided us through that morass of disappointment canceling three NEAR-Fests until October 2021 when we resumed.
Since that date Phil and Kelley have formed their own team and have run the event without any real input from me since May 2022. This includes their fourth one, the most recent NEAR-Fest XXXV that was held April 25th and 26th 2024. They are doing a stellar job! As their teacher and mentor I give them FULL MARKS for their performance. Going forward thank them not me. My job is done.
I consider myself pretty much retired now. Phil, Kelley and their team do everything. I just wander around, holding court, greeting friends, bullshitting and looking for goodies. This is my reward for sixteen years as Benevolent Dictator. Life is good.
Any confirmed changes will be posted on our Web site, Facebook page and come from me, W1RC or Phil Brooks, KA1PXZ who is essentially the “new MisterMike”. Otherwise they are rumors. Please do not help spread them.

MisterMike, W1RC
Benevolent Dictator Emeritus
And NEAR-Fest Founder

"It is a good thing we don't get the government we pay for."  Will Rogers.
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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2024, 08:10:55 AM »

Mr. Mike:

It is a complete success!

I am thankful for your past hard work and the dedication of the current management. This is a gem of the area.

Since I moved up here in 1987 I have enjoyed attending Hoss-Traders and NEAR-Fest. My house is full of "valuable junque" because of it. :-)

Thank you, 

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« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024, 09:50:17 AM »

I second the thanks and gratitude for what you did in the past and as well as the new team and what they are doing.

Nearfest IS the best hamfest in the Northeast. Back in the day, we did have the Rochester, NY fest as well. It was disheartening to see how that fest declined over time, and how a split inside RARA killed it.
Yes, there is a RARA fest still, but it pales in comparison to the years at the "Dome".

I hope NearFest continues to thrive and that I will be able to attend for many more years
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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2024, 12:57:06 PM »

Thank you Mr. Mike for continuing Nearfest after Horsetraders shut down. Many have enjoyed your efforts, so enjoy your "retirement"
Thanks to Phil and Kelly for their excellent work and for carrying the torch,
This last one was a lot of fun.


"Okay, gang are you ready to play radio? Are you ready to shuffle off the mortal coil of mediocrity? I am if you are." Shepherd

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« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2024, 01:31:14 PM »

  Enjoy your reward, Mr. Mike; it's very well deserved. It was great seeing you making the rounds at Nearfest looking relaxed and worry-free for a change.

I consider myself pretty much retired now. Phil, Kelley and their team do everything. I just wander around, holding court, greeting friends, bullshitting and looking for goodies. This is my reward for sixteen years as Benevolent Dictator. Life is good.


"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2024, 01:14:19 PM »

Thanks for the details Mike. We all have benefited from your vision and work (along with others) to bring back the "Deerfield Fest" in the form or NEARFest and make it a success all these years. You've done well to identify and train your successors. Long Live NEARFest!

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« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2024, 02:51:21 PM »

  Effectively putting to rest the rumors of a change in venue, the fall Nearfest is officially posted on the website: October 11th and 12th. Long live Nearfest!

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
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