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Author Topic: T-368 blower noise reduction  (Read 16559 times)
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« on: June 18, 2023, 04:04:21 PM »

I'd like to quiet down the blower on my T-368 but don't want to create new problems with inadequate airflow.  Any recommendations?
Thanks and 73,
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2023, 04:33:34 PM »

Hey Bob -

It's been a while, so please bear with me. Haven't been on here or much of anywhere else with any regularity, and of course the ol' gray matter isn't quite as resilient as it once was.

Thinking back to past conversations on the old T-368 list run by that Foley guy (aka beehive kicker), I seem to recall many guys just removed the big blower completely. That's the case with mine. The reasoning being, The forced air was only required for constant key down service ala RTTY which is what they were apparently used for initially. In typical intermittent amateur service the consensus was that forced air wasn't needed for a single 4-400 - the cabinet, chassis, and adequate airspace could remove the heat well enough. Of course, if you have the Tron over for a visit and he gets on the air to discuss Ranger mods, well....all bets are off.

With that said, I do intend to add one of those larger (8 inch?) Rotron whisper fans to mine just to establish and aid in the overall airflow. They don't suck much juice and make virtually no noise, so I figure it can't hurt?

Hope you are well, my friend. It's been a few days....


known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life

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« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2023, 12:33:15 PM »

Hey Todd,  yes it has!   Hope you're doing well also.  I know others who have said the same, so I think I'll pull the blower off and see what might be suitable that will move some air but be a bit quieter.   Just thought someone might know of a go-to replacement. 


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« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2023, 05:38:16 PM »

Is there a way to place a muffin fan in there with just enough ummph to start convection cooling?


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