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Author Topic: K1KW qso 7290 khz in AM and Updates!  (Read 40719 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: April 10, 2023, 03:57:22 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Today second Eastern Day!

But first this morning I thought: I am dreaming... hi, hi....
Because I heard Chuck K1KW around 07:00 hour by me in our livingroom.
On my Kenwood R-5000 with a good signal and audio.
After I heard him, I sent him a little recording made by mobile phone.

Then I walked (run Grin) to my studio and heard him there.
My Allbander, Yeasu FT 901 DM, were warming up...
But..... I got only low power from it, around 5 Watt.
Suddenly I know why, 7290 is NOT in our 40 meter band...
So I take small 'screwdriver' to turn capacitor, and I got 15 Watts Carrier!
With modulation to +/- 20 - 25 Watts.
I calling Chuch, who talks with another station.
That unknow station I could not heard...

I did falling nearly from my chair... hi, hi...
Chuck heard me, pe1mph!
So we had a nice talk, and readers....
I hear only him, NO ssb or BC station.
Chuck had by my S6 to S8 and totaly no problem to hear him!!

Fast I sent some App's to my AM Friends in Holland.
Some listen, and the heard Chuck (not me)....
Yes I know, we may not use that freq. in Holland...
But I want to try if I could make a qso with Chuck!

Many years back on an evening I test this with: Ken and Brend.
That were on 7160 khz in AM, I heard both.... they heard not me.
But this Eastern morning, a big surprice... hi, hi....

I am not sure I can download a recording by this news....
Maybe the are to big.... hi, hi....


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2023, 12:41:20 PM »


This morning just before 06:00 by me...
I heard on 7290 khz in AM:


On mediumwave I heard many BC stations,
from Usa and Canada.
On that band good conditions...

From mo - vr I only listen.
At 06:25 I go on my bike to work. Smiley



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2023, 12:10:51 AM »

Just I heard: VE3??? calling cq
On 7290 khz in AM!
Around 06:00 hour by me.



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2023, 10:40:34 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
This morning a little past 6 o'clock I listen in our livingroom.
(6 hour Summertime by me = 4 GMT time)

I heard 2 stations on 7290 khz in AM:

- KB3RDT ? Carl? signal fair to good
- KJ2PBT ? signal weak to fair

Sorry, I am not 100% sure about their calls.
Often they mention it to fast for me...

One station on 7290 told: they were talking very long this morning Grin

The freq. 7290 (and 7295) were totaly clean by me.
No BC station during that time on the same freq.

Next days I keep my ears & eyes again on 40 meters.
Just before I go to my work.


Henk / pe1mph

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2023, 01:44:14 AM »

UPDATE: 21 april Grin

Hello AM Lovers,
This morning I heard 4 stations on 7290!

- WD4??? Gary, signal fair to good
- KB3??? Eric?, signal fair to good
- KJ2PBT, ?, weak to good
- KF4???, Wil, weak to good

I listen between +/- 06.00 - 07.30 by me.
Today my free work-day.

I heard one man saying: time now by me 01.17 in the evening / night.
Then by me 07.17 in the morning.

Signals till +/- 06.45 good by me, but later weaker.
Yes the Sun shines already by us in Holland.

No BC stations this moring between 7285 - 7295 khz.
I keep my eyes and ears next days again on above freq.

🤔 I am not sure... 🫣
But again later this morning...
Around 08.00 hour by me...
I heard 2 stations (very) weak on 7290 in AM...
Sorry weak to fair signal from one station...
The other very weak..
One call: KM?Huh?


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2023, 01:39:55 AM »

UPDATE 22 april

This morning I heard, on my receiver, on 7290 khz in AM:
Time around 07.00 hour by me!

- ?, weak to fair
- KM4XG, good signal!

I give a few times cq, but KM4XG did not heard me good.
Hi, hi...
I heard my audio weak on:

KiwiSDR: Software-defined receiver at WD3C
Fair Hill, Maryland | Grid fm29cr, ASL 100, [map], SNR 35:25 dB

Later I heard, on my receiver, 3 stations on 7285 khz in AM:

- ? very weak signal
- KM4XG, fair to good signal, with many fading
- ? very weak signal

Talking about 'fishing' Grin

But the Sun already shines, so signals going down...

The freq. 7285 - 7295 were totaly clean this morning around that time.

Thats all for now. Smiley


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2023, 01:31:16 AM »

UPDATE 23 April

This Sunday morning no good conditions, I think Huh
Early morning, +/- 5 o'clock by me, a horrible noise audio on my radio.
A station on 40 meters around 7285 khz.
Very strong, big signal over S9!
Where is this comming from???

A little over 6 o'clock I heard on my radio, on 7295 khz:

- VE3RZY, sorry I am not 100% sure about RZY. Signal poor to fair and many fading
- N8???, very weak and many fading

I guess both stations could not hear each other good.
Because they did not have an AM qso.

Evenso BC stations on mediumwave did have weak signals this morning.
Normaly I can hear several from Usa and Canada...
Hopefull next days better conditions!
It is now raining by us...

Thanks for reading, till another time Smiley


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2023, 01:48:36 AM »

Update 12 may


Just I listen to 7290 khz am.
Around 07.10 hour by me I heard, on my own radio:

Tim and Tony😉

Not strong and fading, but most I could hear.
A pity... a little higher, 7292, a telex sound?
I have no idea where it is comming from?

Now, 07.46 I hear only 'telex' noise...
Perhaps Tim and Tony are going to bed...


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2023, 12:38:19 AM »


Now AM from Usa on 7295 khz!
Two stations talking, but only 1 I can hear!

Nike, W1NJC🤔

I hear the same audio by this webreceiver;

Idem audio:

Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2023, 01:04:35 AM »

Hello AM lovers,
Now (07:00 by me) I listen to Tim on 7290 khz.
Signal weak to fair in AM.

I hear the same audio on this webreceiver:

WA1HLR is talking and talking  Wink

Now Tony?
Very weak, only  Cry some words I can hear....

Freq. in not complete free by me...
Some strange noise and signals on 7290 khz this morning.
Now by me 7285 and 7295 are better...
But a next time that can be otherwise...


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2023, 02:21:52 PM »

It already seems normal😄

This morning again I heard 2 AM stations from the Usa.
But now on 7285 khz, for me better then 7290.
I tried to get them clearly to receive...
But many heavy fading by both stations.
Evenso I did not fined a good webreceiver..
To receive both good, strange...
They had evenso fading on Usa webreceivers...
Maybe their qth were not close??

I did faling nearly from my studio chair...
Because one did have shortly a big signal by me!
Hi hi.... I give short cq but no reaction...
Perhaps both not expected another stations...
And perhaps my signal were to weak by them?

Oh, I forget to mention...
I were early up and listen between 6 - 7 hour by me.
Ofcourse in the morning, summertime.

I keep my 'ears and eyes' on 40 meters😉

Later I go out the studio and listen behind our house.
Sitting in the up comming sun!
And today we had a Sunny Day! Smiley


Pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2023, 12:17:31 AM »

AM 7290 khz Cheesy

Now I (06.15 by me) hear a man talking, Will
Sorry I can not hear his call correct.
Because 7190 is not a clean freq by me...

I keep my 'ears and eyes' on 40 Wink

Pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2023, 10:30:29 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,

This morning I heard Don, K4KYV on 7285 khz in AM
No problem to hear him on my own radio.
Time around 06:15 hours (Summertime) by me in Dokkum.



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2023, 10:20:33 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,

This morning I heard Don, K4KYV on 7285 khz in AM
No problem to hear him on my own radio.
Time around 06:15 hours (Summertime) by me in Dokkum.



Hi hi
This morning I heard Don again!
And evenso some words from the man he was talking with...

All on my own radio: Kenwood R 5000
Qth: Dokkum, The Netherlands



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Posts: 774

pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2023, 12:15:46 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
I just turned on my radio in our livingroom.
And direct I listen to AM on 7290!
Now, 06:10 by me, I hear Don K4KYV talking.
And before him another man, but I did not heard his name/call....
Evenso I could receive him on my own radio!

7290 is not totaly clean...
I listen in 'narrow AM' to Don on 7289...
7285 absolutely free by me now...

I keep listening, but around 06:25 I go....
On my bike to my work, here in Dokkum.


Henk pe1mph
The Netherlands

Later I heard both mentioned their calls: Wink
Don, K4KYV
Robert, W0VMC

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2023, 02:50:13 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Now I have vacation and this morning I awake early.
I walked to our livingroom, radio on... time by me +/- 04.30 hour.
And I heard Tim loud & clear on 7285 khz in am.
Totaly no problem to hear him on my own radio.
But..... it were over, because a very strong BC station on 7275!!!
Yes very very strong.... sometimes I could hear a few words from Tim.
And then shortly I heard a K??? station on 7285.
Talking short to Tim he goes qrt.
He had a good signale by me and...
I heard him talking about New York, his qth?
Sorry but I could not write his call on a piece of paper...
And he mentioned his call, for me, too fast...

I listen later to mw band and heard stations from Usa / Canada.
On 1130 Bloomberg evenso stations on: 1200 and 1010.

Then I listen again to 7285, but the strong station on
7275 still on air...
I guess there were again stations on 7285?
But they were bloowing away by the strong station on 7275.

Again later I heard weak AM on 3880...

Thats all for this morning,😉



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2023, 03:00:52 PM »

Again: Hello AM Lovers,

How are you, all oke with you? Grin
This morning I awake around 03.45 hour by us in the morning.
I had a sanitary stop and went for a drink....
And I take place before my receiver in our livingroom..... hi, hi... Grin

I heard Tim, WA1HLR, 'talking & talking' on 7280 khz in AM.
His signal were fair to good, but splattering from a strong BC station lower in freq.
The person who he was talking with,  I could hear him but a fair signal.
Then both going qrt..... and I heard very weak a man calling cq on 7290....
But to weak for me and he got no contact....

Later I listen to 80 meters, but nothing between 3870 - 3885 khz Cry

Surpriced I were on mediumwave!
Because I heard WINS on 1010 khz and Bloomberg on 1130 khz 'loud & clear'!
Evenso I heard some from Usa / Canada on 1330 and 1410 but weak signals.

After that I go to bed and did sleep again. Wink


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands
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