I bought a Ranger-I last year and solid stated the power supplies by soldering strings of 1N4007 diodes to the rectifier tube sockets. New filter caps had been installed by the previous owner. My line voltage hovers around 125 volts. I run the rig at full power- about 50 watts out. To date there has been no explosion of sparks or a blinding arc-flash as the "dangerously higher voltages" (run away! hide! duck and cover!) destroy the rig. I have had similar good results with a variety of boat anchors, including all of my Collins amateur and military gear for some 40+ years. No tube filament failures either. I must be doing something wrong that I'm not scared of my delicate boatanchors...
a quick question - did you replace the stock 4W wire wound drive control pot? compare its dissipation in a solid state power supply providing +375V vs stock +300V unless other R are changed. those are hard to find and most user have gone to a series pass transistor/fet circuit. another latient victim is the function switch unless step start is added. there are more concerns