Hello AM Lovers,This morning very good conditions on SW!
Around 04.00 hour (our time) I heard AM stations from the Usa on 3710 and 3885 khz. Some with good signals!
On 3885 I heard 'polka music' on the background by AM stations, all in our livingroom, on my own radio.
On several webreceivers in east part of Usa/Canada I heard: Radio Europa (LP AM) from The Netherlands, on 6130 khz with a good signal.
Later, +/- 08.00 hour (our time), I heard (evenso on USA/Canada webreceivers) audio from PA0SBV and PE1BIW on 3705 khz. And AM stations from the UK on 3615 khz.
Around 11.45 hour (our time) I heard Marcos on 29020 khz in AM:
CT1EHI. I thought: he is mobile in The Netherlands, and close to me.... hi, hi. His signal were max. S9 +10!! But Marcos told me: he were at home, in Portugal.
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands