eBay Global Shipping Program vs BC-456-E Modulator

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I am sure that thing is worth a coupe grand, as old and complete as it is. The lack of insuring may have some legal bearing on your loss recovery, or may not. Did you declare a value? Did you sign a document that limited its value? Shipping companies like to state that "they are liable only up to $100" but if you have not signed that as an agreement then it may or may not hold. Just another scare tactic for when they destroy or steal high end stuff. Just things to talk with your attorney about if the worst happens. If they steal the tubes under false pretenses -mercury but no mercury- then they need to replace them. Theft is a crime too.


Send an e-mail to their legal department politely explaining their employees' errors concerning the irreplaceable and invaluable artifacts, and that the situation is unacceptable whether the errors be ignorance, incompetence, malfeasance, or something criminal such as theft or conversion. State the person who told you what they looked at, state they have lied, and then suggest that your losses will be huge due to that persons' ignorance or malfeasance.
State that, unless they correct the situation forthwith, not only will they be hearing from their peers in the legal profession, but that you will have no choice, in good conscience, but to relay all of the detailed facts of the events to the attorney general, whomever's in charge of 'mercury customs', the social media public, and to their clients.

Copy anyone on at the top of the the operations management, PR, and high holy coroporate leadership you can find. Those people don't like to be annoyed by letters from unhappy people. Their assistant don't like it, that is. They hate letters being sent to their clients's legal and marketing departments.

State in the e-mail that you have already followed up this electronic communication via U. S. mail (to the other departments too), but would appreciate a prompt reply as you feel that your property is in danger of destruction or possible theft by their employees. Include your cellphone # under your signature line.

Be sure to send those letters if you say you will.

It should cause so much of an annoyance someone will require it to be looked into very quickly.


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