Does anyone have their values of resting current on the above JJ transmitter. I am thinking there must be some lower limit of plate voltage where the modulator tubes will work and be close to class B? I addition, there must be a limit on how high the plate voltage can be raised to at zero bias before the plates melt?
I am trying to help a friend who constructed a JJ xmitter and I don't have time to run a setup to get the parameters I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for those who have experience with 813's at zero bias in an audio circuit.
Hi Terry,
Coincidently, I'm working on and testing my new 813 rig now and playing with the GFZ MOSFET board. Usually the 813 modulators idle around 50 mA per tube is my goal, depending on voltage. At 1500V it takes about +8 volts of positive bias to idle. (Bias adjusted by the GFZ board)
At zero bias, you can ramp the HV up to about 2200V before they draw too much current and even start to show color which is too hot for carbon plate tubes.
But if you are using a variable HV supply, why let the tubes dictate where you set the HV? Just add a few diodes in the fil CT lead and each diode will add about 0.6V of bias.
2500V is a great HV level for 813s X 813s and will mean some negative bias. But to answer your question, I found that 2200V max was about right for zero bias.
Just multiply the voltage X the idle current per tube and shoot for a dissipation of 1/2 the tube rating. So, 2200V X 28 mA each = 60 watts each. Or add some diodes to reduce the idle.
The best way is to estimate the idle like this and then run some tones to see what the IMD and waveforms look like. You may find it makes little difference to beat the tubes when you can back the idle off a little.
BTW, I have the new 813 rig and the GFZ MOSFET board working with on-board negative feedback now. I had problems from ultra-sonics which I discovered today were caused by large wire wound resistors used in the NFB ladder. I clip leaded in some 1/2 watt non-inductive resistors and my problems went away.
Time to take Yaz out for a long walk and a swim in the Salmon River.