Have just built up Rod's Transmitter.....
Goes well .... very well .....
Built as is the load is 3R... just a little too low for me so reduced the secondary turns from 11 down to 7 on each transformer and the load went up to 6.6R...
My Bench Supply is suited more for high voltage and low current so could not push the module more then 185 watt DC input...
The output power was in the low 170 watt level so the efficiency is in the 90% plus range...
Left the TX going for about 30 minutes into my Dummy Load and everything ran cool .... everything cool...
I am certain the module could be pushed to much higher power levels but will leave that to others etc:
Probably best not to exceed a load of 6.6R or so ... just to keep the Class E waveforms under control....
Of all the push pull transmitters that have built overtime would say this has been the best....