I run boat anchors of most all makes and models, and there were a variety of interface schemes used. In an attempt to make life simple, I installed CORs in all my amplifiers. Doing this requires me to only switch the Key line, and Mic audio to the desired transmitter/exciter, and at the R.F. patch panel, connect to the desired amplifier.
I use a set of SPDT relay contacts for the key line so I can configure it as needed by a particular transmitter.
This is the basic circuit. Some amps also have antenna relays and some don't, so I jumper Anetnna relay contacts, and use an electronic T/R antenna switch.
With this combination, mixing and matching boxes is pretty much a plug and play affair, and, the antenna is always connected, so the amp doesn't start up without a proper load.
This circuit will work down to a Watt or two of drive.
If you feel the need for more info,
go here.