The 6 FET deck has been re-installed in the TX and is working FB.
The small deck has now been retrofitted with four 1200V 10A SiC FETs and is performing very nicely, no explosions.

With the same transformer ratio it produced exactly the same power as the GaNs did, as it should, but ran just slightly warmer.
A 1/2 turn was removed from each secondary to unload the deck a little which tamed it down to 310W from 350 with a corresponding reduction in drain current since its now only good for 20A vice 40. It modulates well to about 1.5KW PEP.
Pete thanks for the comments, not a big fan of transorbs, these FETs are good to 1200V so lots of voltage headroom, should be OK.
As requested a scope trace attached with it dialed up to 400W carrier showing the transformer output (yellow) and across the load after low pass filtering (blue). Harmonics, especially the 3rd, are within regs even before the external L tuner which adds another 2 poles of filtering. Its a keeper so will build yet another TX for it as small as I can.
73s Nigel