Hello,This morning I were listening earlier on 40 meter.
Mostly during the weekend I am qrv on
3660 khz for qso with F6AQK and 9H1ES.
Around 5.30 hour (3.30 GMT) I listen before our qso...
And I heard again AM on 40 from the USA!!
7290 khz, close to BC on 7295!, I heard a strong station.
I am not 100% sure but I think his call starting with
Later I had a qso with Jean F6AQK and I ask him to listen to that station.
I wait......... he must tuning his antenna for 40 meters first....
And after some minutes Jean returned to 3660 khz in AM.
He told me he heard only 1 station on 7290, his call K5?
Later, after our qso on 3660, I listen again to 40 meters.
I am sure I heard another station calling cq (short talk) around
+/- 7285 khz.Thats freq. is much better for us in Europe, complete free!
I did go out my (little) studio and listen in our livingroom.
A pity both stations (7290 & 7285) were gone, going to bed?
I did heard a very weak signal on 7275, perhaps a BC station?
I try to 'monitoring' next days again around 7283 khz!
Henk, pe1mph