Maybe I didn't state clearly what I am trying to do.
I want to use the Flex as an exciter for a class C plate modulated RF deck using a pair of 4-400A's.
Yes, it will be grid driven.
this method needs to be quantified and put in one of the forum reference sections:
*** this is a rough approximation and ignores reactive effects ***
from the 4-400 data sheets plate modulated service: (per tube)
Ep = 290Vp which is 200V average
Ig = .012A
Zg = Ep /Ip = 200 / .012 = 17k ohm
and Pg = Eg x Eg / Zg = 2.35 W
these assume perfect matches and no radiation loss
so 2 tubes will adjust Ig to .024A and drop Zg to 8.5 k
so at this point you need to know how much driving power is available .... If you have an excess then your job is much easier ... if you only have the minimum (5 W) then you will need to use something like a link coupled step up match similar to what K1JJ put in the 813 x 813 transmitter .... you will have to neutralize and that negative feedback will reduce stage gain so will require more drive for proper operation... I would plan to have more rf available
so lets assume you have 25 W available then the matching options ease up .... lets see how low we can take the combined control grid impedance with this much power available
Pg = 5 W and Pswamp = 20 W so swamping resistor value = Eg x Eg / Pswamping = 40000/20 = 2k
so you are now in the tuning range of antenna tuning units (but not by much !) ... I believe it would be better to use the link coupled arrangement (aka K1JJ 813 rig) with its 10 k swamping resistor as the bugs are worked out