There may be a re-education part to this... Last night a group fired up on 1888 KC. Is this a mindset of, " 3 kc is enough ", common on castrated AM? I listened up and down around 20 KC, and it the frequencies were unused.
Yeah, I noticed that too as I'm usually looking with an SDR. Slop on 85, and maybe some AM down on 80 was what I was seeing.
Over the last week or so, w1lly, k1kbw, kb1vwc,kb1yfd have been on running a bit of power, so things can work out.
I heard Bob talking about being on there so was going to check it out next chance I had.
KC2ut, about six miles to the west of me was 60dB/9 here..... Kevin, I'd suspect you too could be a 160m Am gangstra and strap the unwashed.
I need to check on the antenna a bit. Last I recall the back end of the 160 meter 'cloudburner' loop was snared in a deadfall. Don't want to be setting the woods on fire. I mean, I do, but in the wood stove only.

Look for me sometime next week. If we get some reasonable weather I want to do some work on that and maybe a 630 meter antenna. I never heard anything back from UTC on two tries, so I guess I'm good to go.
In the meantime, walk softly and carry a big Festivus pole!