Hello AM lovers,Just I had a nice qso with Chuck:
K1KW on 15 mtrs in AM.
I heard him talking and talking, but I could hear only Chuck!
After a short time listen, I did try to get a qso with him...
And around 17.00 hours by we had a qso on
21.430 in AM!His signal were between S6 - S9+5.
Chuck has a very nice audio.... sounding very good into my ears!
A friend from me (Henry) listen evenso to 15 meters.
He lives in the middle of The Netherlands, I in the north.
He made later, after my qso, a recording from Chuck.
And sent it to me..... so you can hear how good Chuck were comming to us!
I used my olde Yeasu FT 901 DM, 8 watts and with audio +/- 10 Watts only.
Antenna: horizontale longwire +/- 25 mtrs long.
Chuck: I hope to work you again in AM!

Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands