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Author Topic: Luckly qso on Ten with N1EU  (Read 7801 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: January 12, 2014, 11:20:19 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,

My wife and I were driving to home, the Sun shines.
Temp. must be 10 degrees C above Zero I think....

At home, I thought: 'Let me listen in the studio to Ten, maybe....'.
The Yeasu FT 901 DM on and I heard AM stations!
On 29000, 29010 (no calls) and 29030 in AM.

I heard the man on 29030 talking with Carlos CT4RK.
A pity I could not hear Carlos, he is an AM lover....
Later I tried to get a qso on 29030 in AM..... I wait....

N1EU, Garry calling again on 29030 in AM.

And he heard me, while I using only 8 Watts (naked carrier)!
Barry had a good signal and nice audio by me: max. S8 / R5.
Totaly no problem to hear him and we had a nice qso.
I told him about my working conditions and the temp. in Holland.
On tv we saw the strong winter in the USA, I told him.

Still I use one leg of my horizontale dipole (+/- 25 mtrs long).
Ofcourse I tune it, with earth, 1:1.

After our nice qso I got an email from Carlos.. hi, hi..
He did not heard me but Barry were strong by him.
Ofcourse he heard Barry talking about me after the qso with him.

Later conditions dropping very soon down.
Only I heard a station on 29010 but with a week signal.

Barry thanks for the nice qso,

Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands


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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2014, 12:00:31 PM »

Thanks for the nice QSO Henk - you had quite a good signal into Albany NY today.  We had one of the best 10M AM band openings in a long time today.  It only lasted about one hour and seemed to favor some areas of Europe over others.  Very happy to get you, Carlos and 7 other EU stations, in the log!

Barry N1EU

Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 03:22:45 PM »

Listened on 10 this morning but heard only weak signals. G3NOF still had a decent signal but was slowing fading away. Moved down to 15 meters and worked some European stuff.  Right now, 3 PM EST, good trans equatorial propagation between North and South America on 10 meters.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2014, 04:16:02 PM »

The band suddenly opened up here at 1415Z for an hour.  Many EU signals were truly s9+, especially out of Scandanavia.  The band then suddenly closed.

Barry N1EU

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2014, 10:31:11 AM »

Thanks for the nice QSO Henk - you had quite a good signal into Albany NY today.  We had one of the best 10M AM band openings in a long time today.  It only lasted about one hour and seemed to favor some areas of Europe over others.  Very happy to get you, Carlos and 7 other EU stations, in the log!

Barry N1EU

Thanks (again) for the nice qso from yesterday.
I hope you having it 'warm' in your studio....

It is unbelievable for me I can work the USA with such low power.... Smiley


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands
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